Intestinal coccidiosis was diagnosed histologically in the small intestine of a spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris). Numerous intralesional coccidia were present in mucosal epithelial cells. Schizonts, gamonts, and unsporulated oocysts were seen. Schizonts were up to 30 × 20 μm and contained up to 16 merozoites, which measured 10–12 × 2 μm. Unsporulated oocysts were about 9–12 × 8–10 μm. This is the first report of intestinal coccidiosis in a spinner dolphin.
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1 June 2002
Intestinal Coccidiosis in a Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris)
J. P. Dubey,
J. S. Eggers,
T. P. Lipscomb